ARCIMS answers the demands of our customers for a more affordable and flexible capability for the detection and classification of submarines, mines and other surface platforms. Achieved by the integration of highly capable sensor packages into an intelligent platform allowing fully autonomous, remote controlled or manned operations.
In 2016, ARCIMS triumphed at Unmanned Warrior, Scotland, when the Royal Navy invited AEUK to demonstrate its capabilities with more than 50 participants from the MOD, industry and academia. ARCIMS demonstrated robust operations in varying sea states in several high-speed missions—acquiring and transmitting real-time towed sonar data to the command & control station for ‘in mission’ analysis. To date 10 vessels are in service or under contract.
Main Features
Mission Modules
Sweep Mission Module
- Unmanned combined influence (magnetic and acoustic) sweep
- Enables high tempo MCM operations
- Provides a ‘toolbox’ of sweeping equipment to
counter the most sophisticated modern mine threats - Mine setting modes (MSM) available
- Target setting modes (TSM) available
Mine Hunting and Disposal Module
- Providing the complete sensor to shooter solution – mine detection to neutralisation and disposal
- Delivering high tempo operations using advanced sonar technology
- Automated deployment and recovery
- SeaCat Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
- Seafox Mine Disposal System
- Towed Sonar Module
ASW Mission Module
- Unmanned towed ASW module for coastal and littoral patrol
- Good shallow water sonar performance for detection of underwater threats such as submarines, mini subs and diver delivery vehicles
- Advanced active detection and tracking performance
- Unmanned or manned operations
- Rapid deployment of mission system into theatre by land, sea or air
Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) Mission Module
- An autonomous underwater vehicle system
- Fast mobilisation and excellent handling qualities allowing for effortless operator-guided inspection of objects
- An additional mission module is available to deliver launch a mine disposal system
AQS24 Mission Module
- Integrated with the Northrop Grumman Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS as part of the ARCIMS multi-role mission system)
- Additional mine disposal mission module
Technical Overview
Platform: 11m
Top speed: +40 knots
Above water sensing equipment: Radar, electro-optic cameras, etc
Payload capacity: 4 tonnes
- ARCIMS SeaSense Brochure (2 MB)
- ARCIMS - Modular USV System (2 MB)