The ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Active Towed Array Sonar (ACTAS) is a low-frequency ASW sonar system that operates simultaneously in active and passive modes and provides high-resolution target detection. The detection ranges of ACTAS exceed the weapons range of hostile submarines, thereby denying the enemy an offensive capability.
ACTAS provides excellent performance up to very long ranges, which includes over-the-horizon surveillance.
It is designed to detect, track and classify
- Submarines
- Torpedoes
- Surface vessels, including speed boats
ACTAS (Active Towed Array Sonar) belongs to the generation of new and advanced ASW sonar systems, which comply with today’s naval requirements to counter the ASW threat by deploying high-transmission-level low-frequency sonar equipment at variable depth to achieve long-range submarine detection. The Active Towed Array Sonar System ACTAS is designed to support ASW operations against small, silent submarines over long ranges and in difficult sonar environments.
Main Features
ACTASM - Mobile Mission Module
Adapt Your Vessel to Your Mission
Plug & play solutions for highest flexibility. Standard containers, connected to the CIC, offer a rapid switching of operational requirements. With the module ACTASM, the range capabilities of ASO and other hull-mounted sonars can be upgraded flexibly and independently of the platform to suit the current mission, also making it possible to initiate multistatic sonar scenarios.
ASW Sonar Portfolio

- ACTAS (2 MB)